

Psychiatric Nurse Practioner & Mental Health located in Dallas, TX

If you’re one of the 40 million adults in the United States with an anxiety disorder, you can find the compassionate support you deserve at Mindful Behavioral Solutions. The experienced psychiatric team offers customized anxiety care plans for adults and children who need help managing excessive worry, fear, and intrusive thoughts. They specialize in medication management services to ensure anxiety medications work well and provide direct care in the office and through an online telehealth platform. Call the Dallas, Texas, office today to schedule an evaluation for anxiety symptoms or book an appointment online.

Anxiety Q&A

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a mental health disorder that causes persistent feelings of uneasiness, worry, and fear, even when there’s no threat to your safety. While most people experience some amount of anxiety as a natural response to stress, people with an anxiety disorder have persistent symptoms that disrupt their quality of life.

Mindful Behavioral Solutions diagnoses and treats several types of anxiety disorders, including:

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

GAD causes persistent feelings of worry or fear about everyday issues, including health, finances, and relationships. Symptoms occur daily and last for six months or longer.

Panic disorder

A panic disorder causes episodes of intense fear or dread, even when there’s no danger. Panic attacks occur suddenly and can be severe enough to cause anxiety about additional attacks.


A phobia is an extreme fear of situations, people, or objects that pose no actual threat. Common phobias involve fear of heights, insects, and crowded spaces.

The team provides customized treatment plans to keep symptoms under control. They meet with you in the office or through the online telehealth platform for your initial diagnostic evaluation and follow-up medication monitoring.

How is anxiety treated?

Treating anxiety typically involves psychological therapy, lifestyle changes, and medications to keep your symptoms under control.

The Mindful Behavioral Solutions team can prescribe anti-anxiety or antidepressant medications to relieve persistent feelings of worry or fear. You might also benefit from taking short-term medications to address symptoms of a panic attack or to prevent additional panic attacks from occurring.

The psychiatric specialists can refer you to a therapist for cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or other psychological counseling services. During routine follow-up visits online or in person, the team continues to monitor the effectiveness of anxiety medications. They can adjust your treatment plan as needed to maximize your relief from anxiety symptoms.

Your provider might also suggest lifestyle changes you can make to relieve anxiousness naturally. They may recommend daily exercise to burn off excess energy and mindfulness techniques you can use to reduce stress and be more present in your day-to-day life.

Call Mindful Behavioral Solutions today to schedule an evaluation for anxiety symptoms. You can also book a consultation online today.